This is the first of a multi-part series on the relationships between brands and online communities. It’s nearing the end of September 2014 and many of you would have already secured, or at least requested for an invitation to join Ello, the all new Facebook-replacement social network that counts ad-free and privacy as its USPs. […]
How email trumps social marketing
Here is a pro tip for all marketers planning their digital marketing strategy – maximise your attention on email marketing, while still glazing over social media marketing (SMM), in your overall mix. As antediluvian this suggestion may sound; conjuring up imaginary visions of thousands of frustrated users hitting the ‘Report spam’ in their inboxes at the sight of your next […]
The problem with social media engagement
Marketers live and die by buzzwords. Engagement is one buzzword that has taken the intersecting worlds of marketing and communications by storm. Buzzwords that define a concept or seek to package an idea, as engagement is, find acceptance for two dominant reasons. The first is to adapt the traditional or accumulated knowledge base – the generally accepted […]